International Trademark Registration & US Trademark Registration

If you are selling your products internationally we can assist you with protecting your mark overseas. Although there is currently no such thing as a "global trademark", the Madrid Protocol is an international system designed to facilitate the registration of trademarks in countries around the world. Through this system, you can extend a UK trademark to many countries, provided that they are members of the Madrid Protocol. The USA, China, Japan, and Australia are members of the Protocol, as well as all member states of the European Union (except Malta). An international trademark registration has effect in all the member countries designated by the applicant, subject to the right of national offices to refuse protection in their countries. This is likely to be the cheapest way to proceed if you want to protect your trade mark in several countries. The cost of an international registration will depend on the specific countries of interest.
Advantages of an International Registration:
- Provides a convenient and cost-effective way of filing and maintaining trade mark rights internationally.
- Only the countries of actual interest need be covered by the registration. If problems arise in one designated country, this can be dropped without affecting the others.
- Protection for some countries/regions may be obtained more quickly than by using the national route due to the strict time limits set under the Madrid Protocol.
- It is possible to extend an international registration to include additional countries at any time after registration.
- There is no need to use local lawyers in the designated countries unless problems arise.
We can register your trademark in many jurisdictions including countries that are not members of the Madrid Protocol system. For further information or a quotation, please contact us.